Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs


As part of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) we have made available our local SEND Information Report which details how we can support children and young people with a special educational need and/or disability. Various other policies are listed below which support provision within SEND.

Information regarding the changes of the SEND reforms may be accesed by reading; The governments special educational needs and disability code of practice 0-25 years  and the Children and Families Act 2014

Lincolnshire's SEND Local Offer


SEND Information Report (Our Local Offer)


Link to our school policies (click here)

Click here to contact our SENCO Mrs Nicky Olsen (click here)


Mental Health

Mental Health and Well-being Information

Healthy Minds Booklet - Relaxation 

Angry Feelings Booklet

Anxiety Booklet

Useful Helpsheets:






Lincolnshire commissions services which can help to support children and young people cope with a bereavement or crisis, including where their emotional wellbeing/mental health has been affected in the longer term following the trauma.  These services are:

  • Lincolnshire Centre for Grief and Loss - counselling, advice and guidance for young people who are experiencing grief and loss, including where there has been a bereavement in the school.  Telephone: 01522 546168.
  • Healthy Minds Lincolnshire – support for children and young people experiencing emotional wellbeing concerns, including advice, guidance and signposting for professionals supporting the child/young person.  Telephone the Duty Advice Line on 01522 309777 (Monday to Fridays 9.30 am to 4.30 pm).
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) – if support has already been provided by another professional or service and things haven't improved, CAMHS may be able to help.  Telephone the CAMHS Professional Advice Line on 01522 309120 (Monday to Fridays 9am to 4.45 pm) for advice/guidance.

Struggling to come to school?

The “School Day Ready” campaign is designed to support parents in establishing routines that make their school life smoother and more enjoyable. Through targeted Facebook posts, this campaign provides practical tips for managing morning routines, night-before preparations, healthy evening habits, and homework routines.

The goal is to reduce stress for both children and parents, setting the stage for a successful school experience. 

School Day Ready - Document